“The conquered became the conquerors, and the conquerors became the conquered.”

when the Romans conquered Greeks, Greeks conquered Romans by influencing their culture
.they both have the same set of gods and godesses. It also shows in their art because they almost
have the same kind of ways on how to represent their art.
The story behind every sculpture is a mystery but some studies says that some of the sculptures
really depict the true image of the gods.

The kind of art they used in this period is idealism. Because they create a human-like structures
make it as realistic as possible.
This era made me think that the gods and godesses where very beautiful, like perfect. After
knowing the story, I really wanna see the images of their gods and wondering how did they ever
made such beautiful sculptures without even a pattern to get it from? And why is that the gods and
godesses made us all believe that they are the most beautiful creations in the world? like they were
the standard of being the perfect faces and body.
It's pretty amazing that even in the early times, people were already aware of having a "god"
and worship them as if they were really the reason behind their success in life.
For me, Greek and Roman art is just the same. They both have a very beautiful bond that reflected through their artworks and the culture itself'.
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